Epic Snake PRANK on Strangers (gone scary) ThrusT uS.. Prank in INDIA WATCH VIDEO
2:34 AMThey are almost a trend and almost everyone is doing it. Today is April Fools day and the number of pr@nk videos being uploaded is increasing.
A new prank video has been uploaded on YouTube and it is $er!ously h!l@rious. The pr@nk video has been uploaded by an Indian pr@nk channel. In the prank a man goes up to random people with a fake snake in his hands. The video is ser!ou$ly h!l@rious as people run here and there after looking at the snake. The man first goes up to another man who instantly runs away after seeing the snake. A boy gets so sc@red later that he scream ‘Mummy’ and runs away and then too the guy keeps on chasing him.
The people in the road look at the guy carrying the snake in shock and try to go away from the man. A girl should loudly at the end of the video and it is $e!iously hil@r!ous. No one gets angry or reacts badly to the guy’s pr@nk rather they laugh it out and walk away later when they find out about it.